
Whether I was ready for it or not, it happenned....I'm there....Uncool. Days of shopping together at the mall are over, and I am no longer "allowed" to walk alongside my teenage daughter even halfway to her bustop. I do remember what it's like to be that age and dashing out of my Mom's Christmas-decorated van when getting dropped off to jr. high before anyone had a chance to recognize me. What I didn't really know then was that my "quest for peer acceptance" probably hurt my own mother as I pulled away. Mom's know how to be tough, and eventually get used to their new "boundaries of coolness". I doubt any Mom is ready for public rejection, and we'll go on patiently loving our kids anyway. Maybe it's just the first time it happens that stings the worst. We get to cheer invisibly on the sidelines for a while, and keep hoping for the miracle that someday soon we'll be "wanted" around again instead of just "needed". My daughter is growing up so fast and it often feels as though I'm being taught as a parent to learn to let her go little by little...that has to be one of the hardest things about parenting! "What goes around, comes around" eventually I guess, and for now it's my turn to be uncool for a while. I did discover a little twisted secret so far: as long as you know that you're uncool and patiently accept it, then you're actually cool again for knowing your uncool.


janet said...

You're entering a stage on the river of life that is full of rapids...class 1V sometimes!...the ride can be exhilirating, but rough...but if you hang on, with the Lord's guidance, you'll hit smooth water again someday & it will be so sweet! Hang on to who you are & what you enjoy doing, despite your kids' criticism.....maybe someday they'll surprise you (like you have for me!) by remembering fondly the things they used to be so critical of! Secretly, inside their outwardly tough & "cool" exteriors, they're loving & admiring you, and hoping you'll know that, in spite of themselves! By the way...I still think you're cool!

jen said...

you'll always be "cool" in my book. little sister rights, I think. :)

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