Broken eyes

3 year old boys really should be watched at all times....and it was one of those days where I was trying to get a lot of projects and errands done and thought I could do it all. While I had been in the garage staining furniture, Rylan had entertained himself with Josie's powder foundation, and went upstairs to add some of my mascara all over his arm. After cleaning all that off, the next time I checked on him he had chocolate on his lips and found out he had eaten all the mint m&m's. During our visit to the grocery store, instead of sitting inside the carshaped cart, he decided it was funner to sit on the top of it. Then, at Michaels, he disappeared on my way to the checkout lane to stare at the scary Halloween aisle. 10 minutes after attempting naptime, he decided to get up to do some jumping off of the couch and then climbed up over the stair railing. I had finally reached my limit, so I got down to eye-level with him, and instead of him listening to my reprimanding, he wanted to let me know my eyes were broken. At first I didn't know what he meant, but I noticed he was looking very, very closely, and must have noticed my blood shot eyes. I was tired, but wether he knew it or not, I did. I had been breaking the "thou shalt rest" commandment too long, and knew it was high time for a nap. The rest of the laundry, the furniture, the dishes, the rootbeer spilled on the bed, and everything else was just going to have to wait until both of our eyes stayed closed for a while.


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