The Big 20.

A year ago to this week I ran 20 miles. I literally woke up at 2:30 a.m. to eat breakfast then drove in my car to hide about 6 different gatorades where I knew I'd pass along my run. Unlike the actual marathon I was training to run in Chicago the next month, there were no people cheering me on, and it was just me, myself, and I. This was the day that would truly define if I'd know I could do it or not and I wanted to prove to myself I would if I put my mind to it. One of my favorite parts of training those early mornings leading up to this was that I would occasionally see a hawk high up in the sky and would remember the verse in Isaiah 40:31:
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

So about my 18th mile I was dragging, my feet hurt, and was seriously considering taking a nap in the grass on the side of the road. I needed someone to yell at me to keep moving. And just then, as if God heard my thoughts, about 50 hawks all at once flew over my head, (I learned their true species is turkey vultures but usually leave out that detail out since close up they're not all that beautiful). I had to stop at the pure beauty of it and the specialness it felt that maybe they were sent out for me, just at that moment, to remind me that God was with me 100% of the way. That moment renewed my strength to finish those last 2 miles.

So I'm thinking back to last year at all I had accomplished and now thinking ahead again to January for my next marathon I've signed myself up for. Why another marathon? My answer sometimes is because I just don't know what else I'm supposed to be doing, and running simply clears my overthinking head. And sometimes my answer is that I'm not getting any younger and need a good challenge. Always my answer is that I love to be outside early before everyone else and am hoping for another "hawk moment".


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