
Sometimes it's the small things that can make a difference in a day. And sometimes there's a lot of rollercoaster emotions that can happen throughout the week. And sometimes you look back on the past weeks and days and notice another busy month quickly passed by. I think there's a quote somewhere about how sometimes things happen "in three's", but I've been seeing things happen in "G's" or "C's"....keep reading and you'll get what I mean...

Every so often there's an occasional free half hour or so I find time to read a book with my feet up out on my back patio and soak up the Arizona sunshine. My life's theme song was written by Sheryl Crow: "I wanna soak up some sun, wanna tell everyone to lighten up..." I like the quiet and the chance to be still and to be warm since it's been raining more than usual here this month.
I am re-energized with Sunshine, Silence, and happy-ending Stories.

Because of the busyness of life or my lack of energy or interest, I have also gone a few weeks without regular exercise and instead grab an "occasional" chocolate out of heart shaped boxes when dashing the kids out the door. The floor of my van now has a layer of grass and mud and wrappers all over it since I'm regularly taxiing the kids to and from practices and games. My van still chugs along despite the tons of miles we've put on it and I'm fine to drive it until it dies, but we must be getting close to the end of it's existence since it squeaks, shakes, clunks, and leaks gas and oil. Valentine clearance chocolates & Vaccuuming are my therapy for my my Van Issues.

February has also been the month for:
Garage sales, Girl scout cookies, and Games.
Dish-washing sink clogs, Dating discussions, and Dollar DVD's.
Cell Phone time-outs, cleaning, and coupon bargains.
Power rangers, Popcorn, and Party-planning.
Happy hour dates, home-work supervising, and hair styling products.
Milk sippy cups, Monopoly winning dreams, and mixed emotions.

It might be too hard to sum up in just 3 words what a day, or a week, or the entire month of February 2010 was like for us...

But if I did, I might just have to say it involved
Tantrums, Teenagers, and Trouble...and one extra: Tiredness!


elizabeth said...

love how you write...love hearing about your day...and I love hearing your moments with your fam!

janet said...

I think you are amazingly articulate, and achingly authentic....also awesome.

janet said...

I think you are amazingly articulate, and achingly authentic....also awesome.

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