All I need

One of my first blogs was something about how I thought that Sunday's were so great.  I think when I first started blogging I thought that maybe I had to write about what a day in the life of a stay-at-home-Mom looks like and somehow cutesify it.  The truth is I wish I had more energy to be a "fun" Mom, but the reality has become that Sundays are hard.  Sundays used to be like the beginning of the week; like a new start, but for me they feel more like the what the last 3 miles feel like of a're just so tired, but you have to keep going.  You want to rest, but you can't.  There's always laundry to catch up on, ignored mail to sort, endless dishes...fights to stop, supervising turns on the Wii and computer...sigh.

So in an effort to take a day off from the kitchen, I made a lame dinner.  My kids were just about to eat cookies and popcorn so instead I boiled them a bunch of noodles and slapped a jar of alfredo sauce on top.  The hot dog I microwaved up for my son shriveled up and half exploded and when I went to cut it up into pieces some of the juice squirted out and burned his arm.  He cried.  So did I.

So sometimes I feel like the worst Mom ever.  My soul felt as shriveled up as the loser hot dog.  So I hung my head on top of my piles of coupons and just sobbed. 

I've been needing something and haven't been able to quite figure it out, but I was reminded in some words in a worship song that touched my heart this morning:

You hold the universe in your hands.  You hold everyone.
All I need is you Lord, is you Lord, All I need is you. 
All I need is you.

Not sure how to conclude, except that I'm comforted that God holds me.  Us.  Everything.


jen said...

"my soul felt as a shriveled up as the loser hot dog." should go down in mommy awesomeness sayings!

and what a good reminder that God holds us. everything.

great post, kate and I love you so much! :)

Linny Jane Vintage said...

oh my goodness. We had otter pops for dinner. I think all women go thru I am the WORST (fill in the blank). I know I do:/

I am sorry. I would hug you and eat your alfredo dinner (which I just made a similar one LAST week:))

God does hold us and sees our tears:)

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