Run like a mother

My son Aydan just came down the stairs after I had tucked him in because he said he wanted to give me an extra hug.  He whispered, "x-o-x-o-x-o".  Funny how sometimes God knows exactly what we need and sends it through to us to our kids.  Hugs from him are so precious.

Tonight we found out our air conditioner system in our attic is leaking water and forming a big puddle in the middle of the hallway, so we spent the last hours before bedtime trying to figure out how to fix it.  Fiberglass really should be outlawed.  Add to that a tired Mom and Dad and a spazzy 4 year old and this experience can feel ten times more frustrating.  Bed time tuck-ins were the fast versions tonight.

After that I decided to try and unwind and spend some time catching up on my friends and family's blogs, and since my own brain is lacking a decent train of thought, I've decided I like what other's have to say tonight better:

"Life usually sucks more often than we'd like, but it's important to make an effort to find the good and the joy in the middle of those times that's going to help you get through." 
...I probably added too many words to this quote of hers, but my sister suggested that to me yesterday as we were surounded by a bunch of light-saber fighting boys at her house for her daughter's princess birthday party.  She has an amazing talent for doing more than the average Mom can take on....and doing it well.  I don't know anyone who knows how to make a prettier pink cupcake either.

I also caught up on my friend's "Living Life" blog and am always amazed at her positive outlook on life despite the tough trials she's been through this past year(s).  I tend to think of her around this season since we ran the Chicago Marathon together 2 years ago and the second week in October is the anniversary of that day.  That was a big life moment for me, and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have run it with....(we've been friends for almost 30 years).  She's a wonderful friend and mother and not only has the coolest family friendly craft ideas, but she shares the same passion I do in running.  I really liked what she wrote recently in her blog:  "Run the race God has set before you with endurance..."(Hebrews 12:1).  "This is the run of my life....the good, the bad, and the roads I've yet to travel....and I'm learning to trust God all the way."

So this is me right now:  I'm usually the last to bed, and the first one up for a jog every other morning.  I love that time on the road before the day starts... and I need it too.  (Endorphins are a good thing for a Mom to keep stocked up on. Well that, and chocolate).

I'm in the "marathon" of life right now...and some seasons I'm going to have to run like a mother to keep up.

...and discover the "fun" in the "run".  ;)


jen said...

I love you...and p.s. there is no "fun in the run" ;) but I do love you and love that I got to hang with you a bunch this last weekend! :)

elizabeth said...

Wow...that was inspirational! Loved the "marathon" of life right like a mother to keep up. I'm so proud of you...and I now need to go running again. sigh.

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