Sew cool

I have a hole in the pocket of my favorite pair of jeans....and it happens to be the pocket I always like to put my cell phone.  My cell phone has been many places, and I have to admit I wouldn't have guessed it would make it to the insides of my jeans.  It was interesting waiting for my son's soccer game to start while making some conversation with some soccer Mom's, when I noticed my cell phone wasn't where it should have stayed.  I hoped I played it cool and got it off my foot before anyone noticed.  The "ol-gotta tie my shoe trick" works every time...

So that's me right now in my worn out jeans....and hey, if the jeans fit...who cares.  Cool soccer Mom's wear jeans and flipflops in January.  (and it was 70 today...yay!)

I also got to thinking that Josie was Aydan's age when she started playing soccer in Arizona when we moved here in 2003.  (That gives me hope that they eventually do learn how to make a throw in and pass to each other)....and not cry so much.  Well, atleast the first part.

And all this thinking made me realize that I've probably watched over 500 games between 3 of my kids so far...and Rylan hasn't even started playing anything yet!!  Josie has collected a lot of jerseys through the years so when she turned 13, (almost 2 years ago...yikes!), I thought it would be neat to sew a quilt for her out of all of her shirts.

Truth is, I like watching my kids play, and I love that I get to be their #1 fans.  On the field and off.

And it's my hope to make each of my kids a quilt out of all their own jerseys.  (and you'd think if I could do that, then I could atleast figure out how to sew up the holes in my pockets!!)


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