Birthday Buddy

click-clock, click-clock, click-clock, click-clock...
...That is the sound I remember hearing while walking next to a very classy lady that I had the pleasure of visiting with about a half a year ago.  She rarely notices heads turning for a second look as she is a gorgeous blonde and very striking in her high-heeled boots, and trendy dangly earrings that look like they were made for her.  She holds her head high ready to take on the world as she carries herself with confidence without even a hint of arrogance.  She loves chocolate, ice-cream, & action movies as much as I do, and there is never a dull moment in any conversation we have.  We've shared a few tears together, and she can also make me laugh my head off.  I love her Christmas ornaments and keep them up all year round.

When I grow up I hope to be like her someday.  She's my favorite photographer living in Colorado.  She's my baby sister, and I still call her Betsy.

A year ago we might have spent the day working out together and splashing with our kids at the health club pool.  Our families had the opportunity to live close by each other in Arizona last year as they needed to temporarily live with our parents due to her husband getting laid off of work.  Like so many families had to face in these hard times, there just wasn't any work to be found.  Their temporary stay here last summer gave them the chance to work here so we helped and played with their kids while they rented out their home back in Colorado.  Her daughter Kenzie is 4 and Hudson is 2 1/2 and we love them to death.  It was a long hard road, but up until last month, their wait for employment finally came to an end.  Praise God.  I admire that she has the ability to stay positive and find humor in difficult circumstances. 

When we were younger, she would love to jog along side me or stay up late and watch a movie together.   She still does actually, and we have our birthday's 4 days apart in June so that was why I was thinking of her this week.  Of course I wish we still lived closer and could go catch a good summer movie together, but it is my hope that a visit will happen in the near future.  I miss her too much.

I've been having a hard time figuring out fashion, so when I shop, I ask myself....what would Betsy wear?  And though I can't pull off a pair of heels like she can, I still like to pretend.  She reminds me to enjoy the little things in life, blast the radio, and make the most out of the time we get to spend together when we can.


jen said...

really cool post. :) love you.

janet said...

I used to despair that you kids would ever show love to each other...back in the day when we were all squished into the Elm St. house. My heart overflows today...because you each express that love so well toward one another...a Mother could not ask for anything more to fill to overflowing her cup of happiness!

elizabeth said...

WOW! Kate...really. Love what you wrote...and I love that I am now figuring out how to leave a post on your blog. I'm so trying to find a ticket to get out there! Miss you...and tears...jeez, way to bring on the water works.

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