6 days, 7 nights.

Alrighty then.

My family has been back from our vacation for about a day now so I've had a little time to reflect on our past week's adventure in Mexico. After our final 5 hour drive through the desert and sitting in our hot van with all 5 of the people I spent most of every beachy-Mexico-minute with, I actually didn't mind starting the 6 loads of sand-soaked laundry as soon as we got home. I enjoyed my week off of housework, but I was ready to get back to it.  The 99 degree temperature inside our home wasn't so great to come home to, but it only took the air conditioner about 4 hours to get back down to 78 again.

We've stayed at the same Mayan Palace resort in Rocky Point for about 4 times now, so the familiarity of this vacation has gotten a little easier to plan for. Since the kids have just ended school, we were all ready to just get away from everything that kept us so busy from each other and enjoy a much needed break. The weather was perfectly sunny and though there are many things we love about this location, there are also a few things you learn about family on vacation when you spend 7 days together.

I guess I'll just get right to the rocking point...(he. he.): Here's the reality on vacation: One day at a beach is awesome, a week can be tiring. I love the sun. I LOVE the ocean. I love my family. I love summer....but even this trip left me craving for two things:  a little less sun...and a little more alone time.  The nights were my favorite part of this tirp.  I think when you live in a state where the sun shines forever...a vacation where you are in the sunshine 6 hours out of the day, can literally burn you out.  So can busy-constantly-hungry kids.

Sure it was great to be able to spend time with the family, soak up the sun, relax, play on the beach, relax, fly a kite, relax, and play in the pool...but there comes a point for me, say maybe day 4, when expected relaxing isn't so relaxing anymore.  Maybe I just needed to clean something...or have an earlier happy hour...or just gaze at the ocean longer.  Whatever it was, as a Mom, I'm happy if my family is happy, and I think for the most part we all were on this trip.

With vacation can come a few expectations I guess, and maybe when those expectations aren't met, there can be a little disappointment. If I was looking at the "glass half-empty" point of view I guess I would say I had imagined more long walks on the beach, more family bonding, mother-daughter talks, a DVD player for movie nights, better behaved kids, happier and cooperative family picture time...

But on the other hand, my "glass was full" with gazing at the shooting stars with my husband, finding sand dollars and crab arms, naps with the windows open and curtains flowing in the breeze, our room with the ocean view, family soccer games, limbo laughs, and plenty of time to just put our feet up.

Vacations don't last forever...but if a vacation leaves you relaxed, rested, and refreshed from the busyness of life...and helps you get ready to go back to reality...then it's pretty much a good vacation.

We'll go back again someday...and it's always good to be home.


janet said...

I always say a good vacation is one that you're excited to start, and also you're happy when its over. We loved our time with you...but then 3 days was plenty....my Dad always said that relatives are like fish...they stink after 3 days! We didn't want to stink up your beautiful condo...

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